A crisp, clean, modern background, free to use.
Download the image in JPG format.
Download the Layered PSD Build file and customize your own!_____________________________________________________________________________________
This beautiful floral background is designed for twitter! With blossoms galore and scalloped edges, this one definitely has a feminine appeal. Available in JP format and in a layered PSD (Photoshop) build file so you may customize your own. The jpg format does not have the sidebar, text or the scalloped edges.
Read more and download this flowery custom twitter background.
or Take me straight to the downloads!
Another free background for the taking!
The background texture was created using several of the beautiful grunge brushes by DarkRose42. The brushes are available for download at Deviant.
Please credit any uses of this background accordingly. Do not sell this or claim it as your own. You are otherwise free to use and modify this as you wish, including commercially.
You do not have to link back to me, but it would awesome of you to do so!
Choose from 27 color options or... grab the layered PSD build file and customize your own!
Everybody's Crazy 'Bout a Sharped Dressed... twitter profile!
I'm ba-aack :) and I have more free backgrounds! As always, these are free for you to use or modify as you please, just do not sell this or distribute as your own.
Sharp as a tack, this twitter background was designed to convey you're all business... and well-dressed too! Read more about the 'Sharp Dressed Man' twitter background and download it here.
Just know you want it?
Head straight to the downloads! You'll find the layered PSD build file there along with the images. You may take it and customize it to suit your needs.
Please note, the viewing quality of these images through the filesanywhere exchange is poor compared to the image you actually download. If you have any problems with the quality of any of the images, please let me know.
Happy twittering!
Well folks I finally made time to work on that 'different' background I've been talking about.
Introducing Tweemingo! The wacky result of a friend asking for something wild and different. I tried to tell her to be careful what she asks for! :) Read more about it and download your choice of the background image or the layered PSD build file.
Just know you want it?
Take me straight to the downloads!
The images used within it were found at WikiMedia Commons, more in the post. Please abide by the licensing for those images when using these files.
Thanks and enjoy!!
Finally! Here is the latest of my free twitter backgrounds!
The Sparrow Set includes several background images with gradient colors, and the layered PSD Build File, in case you would like to customize your own.
As with any of my freebies, you are free to use this as you see fit, including commercially. Just please do not sell, claim or distribute as your own. You don't have to link or credit me, but I would love it if you do! I'll be back with more new backgrounds soon!
New - Free Twitter Backgrounds! Presenting the Curly Bird Set. Download your background of choice or download the PSD build file in black and white to customize your own.
More about it and the link to view/download the set here - Read the post for Free Twitter Backgrounds - The Curly Bird Set.
Download the PSD build file here (Black and White) and customize your own curly bird look.
Featuring the Electronics Style web design. This is a layered, UNCODED PSD build file. I hope you enjoy the file. Please feel free to change or use this as you see fit, including commercial use. But PLEASE do NOT sell, distribute as your own, or claim to have created any of the elements herein.
All elements are a Moonwell Studios original (EXCLUDING the twitter, Digg, and del.icio.us icons and all fonts.)
Please leave the footnote 'Design by Moonwell' intact if you use this design without extensive revisions. You do not have to link to me, though it would be a really nice gesture!
This image shows the slide-out menu design suggestion. This file does NOT include the slide-out menus for all navigation links, only the audio. (It does include the 'Active' blue overlay layer for each of the main navigation buttons).
If you would like to have the slide out menus for each of the drop down navigation links, or would like to have this design customized for your purposes, please contact me for a quote. I'm sure you will find my prices refreshingly affordable!
If you have any feedback for me about the design I would love to hear what you have to say! I welcome constructive criticism. :)
Download the Electronics Style web design, a layered, UNCODED PSD web design.
The Blue Wave web set. This is an uncoded, layered psd web design (bare bones ;) with inactive/active button layers, tileable background gradient, and banner design.
You can download the Blue Wave PSD set, or you can pick and choose from:
light blue background gradient in JPG or PNG
or get it all! PSDs, JPGs and PNGs for all elements. Blue Wave Package.
You're very welcome outsourcing Philippines. Thanks for visiting!
Posted by: moonwelldesigns | January 04, 2011 at 10:21 AM
These are great! Thanks for the share.
Thank you very much. :)
Posted by: outsourcing Philippines | January 03, 2011 at 03:24 PM
Thank you PhitZone! Happy to share!
Posted by: Tammy Collins | May 05, 2009 at 08:40 PM
Wow, these are fantastic. Thnx for putting these on here.
Posted by: PhitZone | April 26, 2009 at 10:47 AM